In line with the mission of providing not only shelter but also the tools to build a better life, the core of New Hope Housing services for residents is built around education, employment, debt reduction, and life skills as the means to obtain and maintain housing.
All residents except those in the Falls Church Winter Shelter, VIC-HOP and Kennedy Shelter Overflow unit work with an individually assigned case manager to develop an Individual Service Plan. The ISP is designed to address first the resident’s immediate crisis needs and then to outline steps toward housing. New Hope Housing’s shelter case management teams include a housing specialist, who assists in locating affordable appropriate housing and serves as a liaison and negotiator with landlords.
In addition to rapid re-housing, residents are provided help with:
- on-site alcohol/drug services
- mental health assistance
- medical/dental services
- educational assessment, counseling and placement
- life skills classes
- recreational, social and cultural programming
- employment assessment, counseling, job skill training, job search and job placement
Referral to public services in the community, programs through Fairfax County public schools, and cooperative arrangements with other non-profit agencies working both on-site at New Hope Housing locations and in the community, are used extensively.