Eleanor U. Kennedy Shelter is a 50-bed shelter for 38 men and 12 women, located in a historic building on Fort Belvoir grounds outside the Tulley Gate. It is named in honor of Eleanor U. Kennedy, a community leader who spearheaded the founding of New Hope Housing and served on its Board of Directors for many years. The shelter opened in 1986 and was originally known as the South County Community Shelter.
Shelter is available for adults only.
Referral Process
Please contact shelter by phone for information and bed availability.
During winter months, adults in need of shelter can go directly to site for availability. Visit Hypothermia Prevention Programs & Winter Shelters for more information.
Location & Phone Numbers
(703) 799-0200
9155 Richmond Highway
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060
Fairfax Connector Bus Route 171 is located directly in front of the shelter.
The Kennedy Shelter is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Services include case management, advocacy, employment assistance, housing assistance, meals, and connection with community resources and programs.
Program Leadership
- Senior Director of Programs – Everette George
- Program Manager – Vacant
- Residential Coordinator – Alfred Grant
- Community and Volunteer Coordinator – Wend-Daabo Sankara
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are needed to prepare and deliver meals, to assist shelter guests with employment and housing searches, and to assist staff with office and maintenance duties. Volunteers at the Kennedy Shelter must be 18 years of age or older.
For volunteer opportunities, please contact Wend-Daabo Sankara at wsankara@newhopehousing.org or 703.372.2324.