Great news! An employment pilot program succeeded and is now a full program within Fairfax County – and we need volunteers to help!
Last Fall, you might have seen us on NBC highlighting a pilot program to clean up Fairfax County’s streams. This program provided part-time work to guests at local shelters to pick up litter in and around our streams and remove invasive plants. The Fairfax County Stormwater Planning Division identified the clean-up sites while we identified workers and provided supervision and transportation. (The video from NBC is at the bottom of this page)
The program was a big success! Several people now have full-time employment and have moved to housing AND Fairfax County got rave reviews for removing tons of litter from our waterways.
Rebranded as OPERATION STORM SHIELD, the new program begins March 9th and we need you to volunteer to help supervise teams! So if you have time during the day and want to help make a difference, please read the volunteer description below and then contact Sami Smyth at ssmyth@newhopehousing.org to volunteer!
Operation Storm Shield Volunteer Position Description
Thank you all for contributing to an inclusive and supportive environment that will help this program succeed!